It is a cold morning with some snow on the grass and more on the vehicles and streets. We have the luxury of residing in a heated house and eating food purchased from a store with a dizzying amount of options even in the midst of a pandemic and people buying carts full of items because of a few days of predicted cold and snow. As we look at the world and history, we are reminded of how blessed we are to live in this time and place. We remember traveling into the Baja as a youngster and seeing people living in wood shacks for the first time. And traveling in our country, we were amazed at the similar wood shacks on reservations. Traveling, and walking, later as an adult on the streets of a West African city brought tears to our eyes as we saw how people lived in abject poverty, and the effects of civil war and warlords. Riding and walking in the bush past villages of thatched huts, with women cooking outside and washing the only clothes they had, brought some reality to the way many people live, past and present. Yes, we are physically blessed beyond what much of the world today, and historically have experienced. We should be very thankful.

The physical pales in comparison to the blessing that God has bestowed on us whom He has adopted as children.  We are His children and He sent the Spirit as a comforter and counselor. Our experience of physical blessing now is a tiny glimpse of our eternal home that Jesus is preparing for us. We should be even more thankful for our eternal home, and His presence every day.

Have a great Lord’s Day.

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