We are sitting in quarantine, the last few days and we have been thinking about all that has happened the last few months, actually going on a year. It started in early 2020 with a virus from China that escaped to the world. Then there were lock-downs, 15 days to flatten the curve which turned out to be a fantasy. Then George Floyd died in police custody after terrible police work and pent up anger exploded in cities around the country. There were protests and riots. We support the right to protest (the reasons and the good and bad are a whole separate discussion) but condemn the riots and destruction of businesses, setting fire to a church across from the White House and trying to destroy a Federal Courthouse, possible insurrection. The rioters should be arrested and charged. We have had a president who had policies often aligning with what is right (re: abortion opposition, peace in the middle East) but who has a history and present unrepentant character and demeanor that leaves very much to be desired. Then an election and apparently 40% of the country believing the elections were fraudulent. Then some of them protested the other day and some rioted. We support the right to protest (the reasons and the good and bad are a whole separate discussion) but condemn the riots and breaking into the halls of congress, possible insurrection. The rioters should be arrested and charged.
We were reading this morning from Jeremiah chapter 10. “10 The Lord is the only true God. He is the living God and the everlasting King. When he shows his anger the earth shakes. None of the nations can stand up to his fury. 11 You people of Israel should tell those nations this: ‘These gods did not make heaven and earth. They will disappear from the earth and from under the heavens.’” Jeremiah 10:10–11. We were reminded that God is King through it all. When people have a god that is not Yahweh, chaos is the result. If that false god is the state, an ideology, a political party, money, a false savior, arts, cars, amusement, rest or whatever, the end result will be loss and destruction whether by God’s specific judgment or the natural result of following an idol. Jeremiah is of course speaking to a specific situation and to people under the Old Covenant, but God is still King and if we forget Him, nothing good will come of it. For us, let us be gospel people, ready to share the good news of King Jesus to a world following false gods.