The Chapel suggests the following guidelines
1. If you are sick, or have any of the symptoms of Covid-19 (you know what they are) please stay at home and watch the service when it is uploaded on YouTube. Also it is best to keep sick children (COVID or not) at home. If you have been exposed to any sick person with obvious Covid symptoms or has tested positive, please stay home for the recommended 10 day period. (Exposed = 15 minutes or more, at 6’ or less in one day)
2.Masks are recommended but optional inside the buildings. Masks are available at the entrance
4. Please respect other people’s personal space
5. If you wish to sanitize your hands, hand sanitizer is at the entrance of the building. Or sing Jesus Loves Me while washing your hands with soap and water.
6. Disinfectant wipes are available to wipe the metal parts of the seats if you so desire, or other surfaces.