Around the Web Friday 9/20/2019

Outrageous idea
“Practicing Gentleness in the Age of Outrage” (Relevant,9/19)

Evolution everywhere
“Dangerous descent; How Darwinian thought seeped into every cultural crevice, and what we can do to counter it today” (World interview, 9/12)

New generation Evangelists
“5 Tips for Training Little Evangelists; Faithful speech doesn’t need to rely on formulas” (Christianity Today, 8/19) updated for link

We’re eating more cheese just in case
“Eating cheese may offset blood vessel damage from salt”  (Medical Press, 9/17)

Glad our church is not in California
“California Begins Issuing $1000 Fine For Each Tiny Plastic Communion Cup Served” (Babylon Bee, 9/19) It’s sarcasm, we think


(Screenshot: Vimeo/American Family Studios)
Norman Geisler, noted apologist and theologian, dead at 86. Dr. Geisler spent some time at Dallas Theological Seminary just as we were finishing. We remember him as much younger, but still a towering intellectual and one who loved Jesus and wanted people to know Him
Christian Post

Around the Web 02/15/2019

“5 Things You Need to Know About Prayer; What we can learn about our prayer lives from the Desert Fathers. (Relevant, 2/14) The Desert Fathers had some issues, but we can learn from them on the importance of prayer

“Alister McGrath: Michael Green Taught Me the Importance of Evangelism; A tribute to the theologian who taught a generation how to evangelize through the local church.” (Christianity Today, 2/12)

Millennials and evangelism Pt 2
“No, Millennials Aren’t Killing Evangelism; But if you’re hesitant about sharing the gospel in the 21st century, here’s what you need to know about effectively reaching people for Christ. (Christianity Today, 2/13)

Food for Thot
“Why we let the little ones come to the service” (Christian Post voices, 2/9)

No food here
“Kid Staring At 47 Varieties Of Cereal Declares There’s Nothing To Eat” (The Babylon Bee, 2/15)

Tech Translation
“New Bible translation technology by Wycliffe spreading Gospel faster than ever before” (CP, 2/13)

Lost and Found, hide and seek edition
“Lost City in South Africa Discovered Hiding Beneath Thick Vegetation”  (Live Science, 2/6)

Lost and Found, oceans edition
“Famed WW2 Aircraft Carrier Torpedoed in 1942 Found Miles Deep in Pacific Ocean” (Gizmodo, 2/13)

News you can use
“The Absolute Best Way to Cook Bacon, According to Sooo Many Tests” (Food52, 2/8)

Around the Web 2/8/19

Pay no attention to Jesus
“Half of Millennial Christians Say It’s Wrong to Evangelize” (Christianity Today, 2/6)

Food for Thot
“What Has Happened to the Evangelical Christianity of Not Long Ago?” (Pathos, evangelical, 2/4)

Think kind thots
“A New Study Says There Are Actually Health Benefits to Thinking Kind Thoughts” (Relevant, 2/7)

We’re the government and we’re here to steal
“S. Carolina Police Agencies Defend Civil Forfeiture Laws as Extra Revenue Streams” (PJ Media, 2/6) We are obviously all for supporting police, but Civil Asset Forfeiture (and eminent domain) need serious reform. The response stems from this series from the Greenville News.

We usually don’t do party politics, but this crosses over
“Democrats’ Inexorable Abortion Logic Has Finally Caught Up With Them; From unrestricted late-term abortions to infanticide, Democrats are now facing the consequences of a position that never had a limiting principle.” (The Federalist, 2/1) And originally had a lot to do with eugenics

Lost and Found
“Major WWII shipwreck discovered: Japanese battleship sunk by US found” (FoxNews, 2/8)

Around the Web 02/01

Be Happy, go to church
“Pew: Sunday Regulars Are Happier and Healthier” (Christianity Today, 1/31)

Service in Liberia
“‘Worth Laying Down Your Life’: The Missionary Adventures of Rick Sacra” (The Gospel Coalition, 1/28)

“Leith Anderson Retiring from National Association of Evangelicals; NAE president: “It’s important to speak biblically and thoughtfully when so many are shouting for attention.”” (CT, 02/01)

Legacy of Socialism
“Yes, Venezuela Is a Socialist Catastrophe” (NYT opinion columnist, 1/25) Apart from running out of other people’s money (Thatcher), it turns out the rulers end up with everyone’s money. And kill those who protest.

“Keeping Up Appearances star dead at 82: Fans pay tribute to Clive Swift who was best known for playing Hyacinth Bucket’s long-suffering husband Richard” (, 1, Feb)

Around the web 01/04/2019

SBC focus
“JD Greear: Don’t Split Over Calvinism, Bicker About Theology ‘When People Are Lost, Going to Hell’” (CP Church & Ministries, 09/20/2018)

Christians like to fight
“Beth Moore sparks fiery debate after saying spending time reading Bible doesn’t equal spending time with God” (Christian Post, 01/04)  Some people would rather be fiery rather than listen. Of course, one can read the Bible and not be with God. His Word does not return empty, but the character and attitude of the reader does make a difference. Atheists can read the Bible and it won’t return empty, but they are not “spending time with God” the way Ms. Moore is defining it. See above

Food for Thot
“6 Reasons Why the ‘Nones’ Are Walking Away From Church”  (Pathos: New Wineskins, 01/02)

Compassionate Helping
“Is there a way out? History tends to repeat itself when it comes to helping the poor and oppressed in countries like Ethiopia” (World, 01/05)

“Cops say a would-be kidnapper chased a woman — into a karate studio. That was a bad move” (CNN, 01/05) “…and was dealt with accordingly”

Everything new is old
“Arminian Temptress Convinces Calvinist To Shave His Beard” (Babylon Bee, 01/04)

Around the web 9/28

Acts now
“Francis Chan: Stop Treating the Book of Acts Like Hyperbole; The former megachurch pastor asks today’s churches to measure their practices against the New Testament standard” (Christianity Today, 9/20)

“Gay Rights, Hate Speech, and Hospitality; Longings of a Former Lesbian” (Desiring God, 9/18)

That’s good
“The U.S. Divorce Rate Is Falling Rapidly Thanks to Millennials” (Relevant, 9/25)

Should work out well
“In the name of love?:  Christian university lifts ban on same-sex romantic relationships in a bid to better disciple homosexual students” (World, 9/26)
“Azusa Pacific’s Compromise on Sexuality Is Significant, but Nothing New” (Christian Post, 9/27)
“Progressive Christian College Welcomes Incoming Class Of Future Atheists” (Babylon Bee, 9/26) This one is sarcasm

Lost and Found
“Archaeological Discovery: Evidence of Hebrew Exodus From Egypt Found Near Jordan River” (CP World, 9/25) You mean the Jews were there a long time ago?

Can’t be the same without Tom
“Modern Magnum; Lighthearted Magnum P.I. reboot avoids sexism, showcases diversity” (World, 9/25)

“Marty Balin, who co-founded Jefferson Airplane, dies at 76″ (FoxNews, 9/28)

Cruising the Med

The Apostle Paul gets a free trip to Rome. A Cruise of the Mediterranean with a few adventures along the way. This Sunday, 8/26 at 11:00 am after praise and worship.