“Abortion is leading cause of death worldwide for third year in a row” (Christian Post 1/6) This continues to be an abomination, worse and beyond any politician.
Knowing Everything, Now
“Living in An “On Demand” World: Instant Gratification and The Perseverance of the Saints” (Pathos Evangelical, 1/14)
Not so Good
“Share of Americans who donated to religious organizations remains at all-time low: Gallup” (Christian Post, 1/12)
Christian Nationalism
“Here’s where Christian nationalism comes from, and what it gets wrong; It was religious fervor that drove the Jan. 6 mob” (Dallas Morning News op ed, 1/9) Like most things, we don’t agree with everything in this opinion piece including the subtitle’s suggestion, but it does give a brief overview of what has become known as Christian Nationalism. The author leaves out the theonomy/theocracy theologies of the kingdom in amillennial and postmillennial reformed theology. The idea that the church brings in the Kingdom, which is NOT the understanding of the authors, and our, premillennial, pretribulation background. Nowhere in the bible does it even suggest that the United States is God’s special chosen country. It has been in our historian understanding that the U.S of A is the best Nation in history (other than the theocracy of Israel) and a grand experiment. Believers can and should be thankful and have a place as citizens. However, it is not God’s chosen nation to bring in the utopian kingdom. The mission of Christians and the church is not political, but to witness about Jesus and disciple people in His teaching.
As to the questioning of the subtitle, “Christian Nationalism” was present at the riot on 1/6/21 but one is hard pressed to prove it was the driving force, see the horned Viking outfit. Religious fervor maybe, but probably not Christian religious fervor, even the Christian Nationalistic variety. And just to be clear, we do not support the shenanigans and riot that occurred that day. Protests and assembling for redress of grievances are fine. But not trespassing, destroying, stealing, and/or violence. Anywhere.
“Christian Questions Faith After Receiving Wrong Order At Chick-Fil-A” (Babylon Bee, 1/14)