Jesus had moved from Nazareth to Capernaum and one of the first things He said to two brothers working was, “follow me.” Matthew 4:19–20 19 He said to them, “Follow me, and I will turn you into fishers of people.”20 They left their nets immediately and followed him. (NET bible) As we ponder this, what would our response be to Jesus in the flesh, calling us to leave our successful business enterprise and follow him? As we consider everything that is happening in our world, is our first focus following all the news, all the hype, all the latest trends? As believers, are our first thoughts about following Jesus? Are our first thoughts, “who can I pull in for Jesus?” That is what Jesus said Simon and Andrew would be doing, becoming fishers of people. We have met a few avid fishermen in our life, although different than the fishing of Simon and Andrew. They are always looking for a fishing spot, lure, bait, equipment and so on. It is front and center no matter what is happening in the world, unless that happening has an effect on fishing. Let us be passionate and follow Jesus, being fishers of people by the Holy Spirit’s power.