James 4:13–14 (NIV)
13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

We can think of no illustration in our generation that has caused life disruption like the current virus. In history, of course, life disruption was the norm. The language confusion at Babel, The Exodus, (sometimes it is good disruption) The Exile, wars, the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and pestilence, like the Black Plague that killed up to half of Europe in the 14th century and the Spanish Flu of 1918 to name just a few.

We don’t know what life will bring. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow. When things look like they are going just fine, It can all change in a minute. It reminds us that life does not revolve around us, and we are not that big in the eternal perspective of things. Yet God sees us as eternally valuable to the point His Son died for us. It is difficult to walk in that reality. We are vapor, yet eternally valuable. We do it by knowing that God is sovereign, and we walk in His will.

James 4:15
15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”



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